copywriter Singapore

How Much Does a Copywriter or SEO Content Writer Cost in Singapore?

Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 08:21 am

Are you a marketing manager or business owner in Singapore looking to hire a copywriter or content writer? Knowing the cost of hiring a professional writer can help you plan your budget and ensure that you get high-quality work that meets your needs. The fee charged by a copywriter or SEO content writer, for example, can vary based on their level of expertise and experience.

Other factors that may determine the rates include their copywriting experience, marketing experience, the urgency of your project, the type of content you need, the level of specialisation required, and the amount of research necessary to complete your project. It’s important to consider these factors when budgeting for a copywriter, content writer or even a content marketing editor. Now, let’s take a closer look at the various types of content that you may need and how much they cost. Whether you’re looking for website content, blog posts, social media copy, or other forms of written content, this guide will help you make an informed decision about your investment.

Estimated Costs of a Copywriter or Content Writer Based on Content Types

SEO Content / SEO Content Marketing 

SEO content copy or SEO content marketing copy refers to website content that is optimised for search engines, with the objective of improving the website’s visibility and ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). 

Some examples of SEO content could include company information such as company history and profile and products and/or services on the official website and blog content like blog posts or blog articles under the website’s blog section. SEO content can also include white papers, e-books and digital press releases.

Often written with a focus on specially researched, specific keywords or phrases that are relevant to that website’s niche or industry, your SEO content copywriter may also include a content strategy or content and on-page optimisation, where he or she would help you to incorporate meta descriptions, title tags and header tags on your website. 

The goal of SEO content writing is to provide valuable and relevant information to website visitors, making it easier for search engines to index your website’s content, and improving your website’s visibility and ranking in search results. This can lead to increased brand awareness and trust, as well as more organic traffic and potential leads that may convert into sales.  By providing valuable insights, SEO content copy can position your company as a credible authority in your niche or industry. SEO content is an important aspect of any digital marketing strategy and can help businesses reach a wider audience, increasing sales, website viits and getting high-quality leads. 

SEO content copy can range from SGD20 (USD15) per 1000 words to up to SGD800 (USD600) or SGD900 (USD675) per 2000 words. Experienced SEO content writers are some of the highest paid writers in the world because it requires an extensive knowledge of search engine optimisation (SEO), as well as a keen understanding of of how Google and other search engines such as Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo work. 

Social Media Content 

Social media copy is the second most common type of content that most business owners need. It refers to the text content that accompanies posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Quora, WeChat, Weibo, Little Red Book, Twitter and others. A social media copywriter may be required to write captions for each post, which includes hashtags and call-to-action (CTA) statements.  

Social media content creation is a critical component of any effective social media marketing strategy. You need an experienced social media content writer to help your business communicate with your audience, increase engagement and drive conversions. Besides aligning with your brand’s tone and voice, effective social media content posts should be concise, attention-grabbing and relevant to your target audience.  

A social media copywriter may charge SGD50 (USD38) to SGD100 (USD75) per post. Some writers may include in their cost a customised image or video, scheduling, hashtags research and a monthly report and analysis. 

Direct Response Content 

Direct response or sales copywriting or copy refers to any type of marketing, sales or advertising copy that is designed to elicit an immediate response from the audience, such as filling out a lead form or making an online purchase. Direct response copywriters are sometimes also called advertising copywriters.

Some examples of direct response copywriting or content include direct mail letters, social media advertisements, landing pages and email marketing campaigns. As the objective of such copy is to generate leads and conversions, such content usually needs persuasive copywriting that includes power words to appeal to prospects’ emotions and a strong CTA to encourage the audience to take a specific action immediately. 

Direct response copywriting is not just writing, but it also incorporates marketing psychology and an in-depth understanding of your products and/or services so that he can write a persuasive copy that converts your leads and prospects into customers easily.

Direct response content writer or copywriter will usually charge between SGD0.25 (USD0.20) to SGD2 (USD1.50) per word. 

Technical Content 

Technical writing focuses on turning complicated information into clear and concise copies and is usually used for creating in-depth written descriptions,  instructions and FAQs for documentation, manuals, user guides and other technical materials that help users understand how to use a product and/or service, such as software, electronic equipment, robotics, finance, engineering, computers and more.

Technical writing is important, as technical documents need to be very accurate, detailed and error-free to make sure users can effectively use a product or service easily without assistance. 

Generally, technical writers charge between SGD1 (USD0.75) to SGD2 (USD1.50) per word, or between SGD300 (USD225) to SGD12,000 (USD8,988) per project, depending on the complexity of the project and the level of expertise required. Technical writing involves thoroughly understanding the product or service before creating documentation, manuals, or user guides, which can be time-consuming and require specialised knowledge. As a result, technical writers often charge higher rates than general writers.

UX Content 

UX (user experience) copywriting refers to writing microcopy such as buttons, error messages, onboarding materials, help documentation and other UI (user interface) elements for user interfaces and experiences in apps, websites and other digital products that users need to navigate a product.  An UX writer needs to create clear, concise and effective messaging as the copy needs to guide users through digital interactions with a product or service.

A UX writer’s estimated per hour cost is SGD70 (USD53) to SGD80 (USD60). Generally, he or she may cost more than a general writer because of the specialised skills and knowledge needed to create effective and engaging content for digital experiences. A UX writer also needs to have a deep understanding of user psychology, user behaviour and user experience principles in order to create content that guides users through a product or service. 

freelance copywriters Singapore

Also, they need to work closely with developers, designers and other members of the product team to ensure that the content is in line with the overall design and user experience, and this level of collaboration and expertise requires a higher rate than a general writer. He or she may also be involved in multiple stages of a product’s development, from initial research and ideation to ongoing content updates, which can further increase their cost.

Film, Movie, Play, Video or Story Scripts 

Content scriptwriting is the art and craft of creating content for television shows, films, plays, videos, digital advertising, podcasts and other performance media. Scriptwriters are often needed to write dialogue, create characters and storylines that form the basis of a production, working closely with producers, directors and other members of the production team to develop the script to meet the requirements of the project. 

In Singapore, the cost to hire a scriptwriter typically range between SGD2,700 (USD2,022) to SGD3,000 (USD2,247) per project. However, for highly experienced scriptwriters who can make the difference between a successful production and one that fails to engage audiences, costs can go up to SGD5,000 (USD3,745) per project. A good scriptwriter can help to bring a story to life, and hence, investment in a skilled one can lead to a more successful production.

Business Writing

Business writing can refer to any form of writing that is used in the context of business, whether it be for internal or external purposes. This form of writing is mainly used to communicate ideas, information and plans to stakeholders, employees, clients, investors and business partners. 

Usually written in a clear, concise and professional format, business writing includes emails, business reports, memos, proposals and presentations or slides.

For a business plan, grant proposal or presentation slide, writers generally charge between SGD2,670 (USD2,000) and SGD33,300 (USD25,000) per strategy and plan, although this cost also depends on the complexity of your business plan and its length. Other forms of business writing such as memos or ad hoc writing could be chargeable by the hour at between SGD50 (USD38) to SGD150 (USD112) per hour, depending on your requirements.

Estimated Costs of a Copywriter or Content Writer Based on Pricing Methods

There are also different methods that copywriting agencies, content producers or freelance copywriters use to price their content production services. How are some of the usual pricing methods.

Per Word Basis

Some creative agencies or professional copywriters use the per word basis to price their services, charging anything from SGD0.20 (USD0.15) to SGD2.00 (USD1.50) per word. This may not be the best method for both the copywriter and the client, as sometimes the copywriter may need to write more in order to convey your message to the audience and it just doesn’t make sense to reduce his content just because he has to restrict the words.

Per Hour Basis

Some skilled copywriters or copywriting agencies will charge by the hour. This could also be because there might be research needed for your project so they will need to spend time conducting research before crafting your copy.

If you are engaging a copywriter or content writer based on a per-hourly rate, do provide as much information as possible to your writer, as it might be difficult to correctly estimate how long a particular job will take him. You might have specific requirements which the copywriter will need to spend time on, such as getting in touch with someone to find out more information or making a trip down somewhere to uncover content for the copy, for example, all of which needs to be discussed before the start of the project. What you deem are normal tasks might not be so to the copywriter, who will need to put in extra time and effort.

That said, copywriting rates in Singapore on a per hourly basis usually range from SGD30 (USD23) to SGD150 (USD112) per hour or more.

Per Project Basis

Some agencies or freelance copywriters charge by per project basis. This means that yours is usually a mid- to a large-size project which needs extensive research and an in-depth understanding of your target audience. The copywriter can only craft a powerful message that will resonate with your customers and get them to make purchases after doing the necessary research and understanding your project.

Cost per project might range anything from SGD20 (USD15) to SGD3,000 (USD2,225) per page or webpage, depending on the complexity, the number of pages, the amount of research needed, the difficulty of the topic or expertise required etc.

If the project is a rush-job, which means that you need it in less than 3 to 5 days or even week, then the copywriter might charge you an extra 25% on top of the usual rate.

Where Can You Find Copywriters? Other Alternatives to Consider 

[A] Engaging an Advertising Agency 

For those seeking high-quality copywriting services, it is recommended to engage an established advertising agency that boasts an in-house copywriting or content writing team.

While this option may be the most expensive, it is often the most effective and efficient for businesses or individuals who have the budget to invest in their marketing or communication efforts. Working with an established agency can offer numerous benefits, including access to a team of experienced writers who can provide creative and strategic input, as well as a project manager who can oversee the entire process and ensure that deadlines are met.

Such reputable agencies often have a proven track record of success, which can provide peace of mind for those seeking a reliable and effective solution for their copywriting needs.

[B] Hiring a Full-Time Copywriter in Singapore

Hiring a full-time copywriter or content writer is another option but this can set you back by quite a bit too. You should only hire a full-time copywriter if you have the capacity to fill up his time from 9am to 6pm daily every month. As a guide, here are the full-time salaries of a full-time copywriter in Singapore:

Junior copywriter with at least 2 years of experience – SGD2,000 (USD1,485) onwards per month

Executive copywriter with at least 3 – 5 years of experience – SGD3,000 (USD2,225) onwards per month.

Senior copywriter with more than 5 years of experience – SGD4,000 (USD2,967) onwards per month

You can post copywriter jobs on popular Singapore job portals such as Indeed, JobStreet or My Careers Future by the government.

[C] Freelancers 

In addition to working with advertising agencies or in-house copywriters, another option is to look for freelance copywriters. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the number of freelance workers, including marketers, copywriters, and content creators who work independently and remotely for businesses worldwide.

Some experienced and creative copywriters and freelancers can provide a cost-effective solution for businesses with smaller budgets or one-off projects, besides being able to maintain the same level of quality and professionalism as traditional agencies or in-house teams.

You can find reasonably-priced copywriters offering affordable freelance copywriting services on freelance portals like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr are a good place to start. On these websites, you can find a content copywriter who charges as little as SGD7 (USD5) for a 500-word article or copy.

However, it’s important to note that the quality of the content or copy you receive from these writers may not always be up to par. Many of these writers are from non-native English-speaking countries such as India, Pakistan, and Europe. Some may even use software or AI chatbots to spin or generate your articles. You can use them if you just need a basis for research and do not have high expectations for your content. But you’ll likely need to rewrite the articles or copies they provide because if not, you will eventually be banned by the search engines if you upload such content.

If you need localised content writing or content editing services for the Singapore market, it is better to hire a local Singaporean writer who can tailor your content to the audience. A foreign writer who has never been to Singapore or lived here may not understand local nuances, such as the hawker culture or the lifestyle of Singaporeans. To produce persuasive and highly converting content, your copywriter needs an in-depth understanding of the market and your target audience. 

Here are more options for you to find a freelance content writer or copywriter.


Copywriting or content writing is an essential part of any content marketing strategy. Whether you’re looking for a high-end copywriter with years of experience or a more affordable option for a smaller copywriting project, understanding your needs and budget can help you make an informed decision. In this way, you can ensure that you get quality work that meets your expectations without breaking the bank. The right copywriter, content writer or even a content marketing agency can help you achieve your business goals and create engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Get Started Here!  

Looking for expertly crafted, localised content that will help your business rank on the search engines and connect with the Singapore audience? As a Singapore SEO content writer, I am confident that my content can help you rank on the search engines. Contact me at +65-9622-8824 or for a chat today!

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